Monday, July 23, 2007

I've Been Tagged!!

Dusty Doodles Reporting!!

My friend Holly tagged me to list my favorite books. Well, Doodles has a hard time reading, because I can't turn the pages real well. I've tried, but it just doesn't work and Doodles ends up ripping the pages out of the books. BUT! Da momma reads to me. She has always read to me during storms when they have the thunder stuff and during hunting season when there are big booms going on. She's done this since I was a little pup. I don't need her to read to me any more during those scary things, but I still like it!! So when I see her with a book, Doodles will curl up next to her and woo her until she reads to me!

These books are the ones that I like her to read to me:

Beyond Words; Talking with Animal and Nature, by Marta Williams. Marta is a good friend who has talked to me before and in this book, she teaches other hoomans how to talk to their animuls. Marta is what the hoomans call a animul communicator. She recently helped find a lady's husky on Sibernet. Marta has helped find many lost dogs and helped many hoomans know what their animuls are feeling. Doodles thinks Da momma should just memorize this book and then she would know when I wanted a cookie, instead of me having to tell her and show her and think that she's a retard.

Twelve Dogs of Christmas by Emma Kragen is a fun book that Da momma always reads me at Christmas time. We have the music from it too and Doodles always woo's with the 7 howling Huskies! You really need to get this book and either read it, if you can turn the pages, or make your hooman read it too you!

All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot is one of Doodles' all time favorites! It's about a country vet, like my Dr. Brenda and his favorite patients. Some of the patients are dogs, but he treats all kinds of animals! He seems like he is a very good doctor and Doodles been thinking that maybe Dr. Brenda learned from him.

Dogs Never Lie About Love by Jeffery Moussaieff Masson. What can Doodles say. Dogs NEVER lie about love!! That's the truth!! But Da momma says in some of the book, Jeffrey is all wet, but she still likes it and it used to be required reading for her adoptive parents when she was doing rescue. It does make a person stop and think. I like it.

And finally -----

Siberian Huskies for Dummies by Diane Morgan. Doodles just loves this book!! Da momma reads it all the time and then Doodles does things opposite of the book, just to keep her guessing!! This was another book that Da momma made people get before they took one of her foster dogs. It's a great book and Doodles knows that if more Siberian Huskies read this, we could over throw the world quicker, because we could just do things different then in the book and our hoomans wouldn't know what to make of it.

There you have it, Dusty Doodles' 5 favorite books! I tag Sadie Mae, Butters, Maverick, and The Little Dashies.

Doodles Out!!


Anonymous said...

doodles, my mommy loves james herriot! her favorite book from when she was a kid was "only one woof" she still has it!

Paige said...

Hey Dusty seem like one pretty cool dude! I am a little older then you but I bet I would love to meet a cow pup too:) My mom lkes anything written by Ian Dunbar....she thinks he is one smart humee....though with running a rescue and taking care of all us, she doesn't have much reading time:( Thanks for taggin me!


Khady Lynn said...

Wow, those are great books. I will have to have my human get some of those. Especially the 12 dogs of Christmas. Sitka had that one on her list too, so it must be good. I didn't know Marta had a book. I know she helped our Sibernet friend find his way home from the mountains, which was wonderful, but now I will have to buy her book too!


Amici said...

Great books. My mom has a bigger list now when she goes to the library. :)

Sasha said...

Doodles, I tagged you too. Check it out!

Tin Tin Blogdog said...

Hee hee hee,

that last one cracked me up.

Even humans use 'dummies' to describe themselves. As we've always known they are!!

Chow for now,

Tin Tin xo

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Where are you? we've missed your reportinf......nobody does it like you do.......Please hurry back to DWB.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...


we mess the Dusty Doodles Reports.
we finally got a blog and wanted you to come by and visit.


if we don't hear from you that's OK, just so you are OK.

over and out....Mona, Jacks, Toby and Evander too!!

Khady Lynn said...

Doodles!! Where are you? It's been 2 month's!
