Dusty Doodles reporting!
Doodles has not given up that hat yet and Da momma is busy doing poopie detail. She has to go out there and exam all my poop. Is that stoopid or what?? She must really want that hat back or something!
In other news -- there is CONSTRUCTION going on in my pen! That can only mean one thing -- more play things!!! Da dad was out there yesterday after my birfday celebration and he was building something on the back of my house. Whiskey and Doodles had to go out to the pen this morning and it was this box thing without a top. Pretty tall. Da momma and Da dad went somewheres, so Doodles gots to check it out really good and I peed on it for good measure. But we can't be out there when Da dad is constructing cuz he doesn't like to share his special toys -- Da momma calls them tools. Doodles heard Da momma and Da dad talking about a bedroom for my house and about taking down the playcenter -- cuz Da momma thinks it's getting dangerous -- another stoopid hooman thought. The playcenter is this:
Last year, Da dad added a tunnel to it, but Doodles can't find the pictures of that. Anyways, Da momma is thinking it's dangerous cuz it's old and Whiskey and I have kinda chewed it in places. She says she's afraid we are going fall through it now and break our legs -- is that stoopid or what?? We know where we chewed it and we know how to play king of the mountain and stuff. Anyways I heard Da momma tell Da dad to fix it and leave the tunnel and take away the stairs and the ramp and leave it open, like another veranda. I'm not sure I will like it. Doodles stands on the top to talk to the cowdogs and what happens if Da dad forgets the top?? Plus we won't have a secret hidie spot inside anymore where we can hide our things from Da momma.
But I might like a bedroom for my house. I'll take a picture when Da dad gets done constructing. Some of you might ask why I have a house outside, when I have a house inside. Well, see it's like this -- mean old ShoneeWitch has to have time in the house too. So her pack, that includes my friend, Omani, gets to come in the hoomans house every other night for sleepy time. Doodles and Whiskey has to stay out in the pen on those nights. So we has a special house that Da dad build for us. ShoneeWitch and my friend, Omani and Tundra all have houses in their pen too -- for the nights that Whiskey and Doodles gets to sleepy in the hooman house. That might sound horrible for some of yous, but really it's lots of fun to stay outside all night. At night time is when we have the best visitors -- like stinkycats, and cooncats and yippers (Da momma calls then coyoters). If Doodles didn't stay out every other night then I wouldn't have them animules as friends. So it's pretty cool.
Better go and supervise Da dad.
Doodles Out~
I have an outside house too! Unless it is really really cold or raining & thunderstorming, I would rather be outside in my outside hourse. My kitty sibs have a cat-gloo. It used to be a dog-gloo but I didn't like it and the cats did. I get a better night's sleep in my outside house. If I'm inside, I feel the need to keep constant guard over my mom and dad. I do this at the foot of their bed. Unfortunately, my mom gets up a lot during the night and cause she doesn't want to wake up the dad, doesn't turn on a light and ends up tripping over me. Sigh... I'm glad you had a happy barkday.
I'll give you a short answer, YES!!!!!!!!
I gots an outside house too, but I don't sleep in it. I just go out the doggy door when I want to go outside every 10 minutes, and I dig under my outside house. I've got a great den under there! Too bad we got to leave it behind at the old house. No yard at the new house, just lots of grass and paths for mama to walk me on.
Glad you had a super good birthday, even if your silly mama does want that hat back. Your cake looked yummy! I'm gonna make mama get me a cake like that when we celebrate my birthday!
We have an outside house too but Mom and the ex-boyfriend built it for two dachsie doggies and Mom ended up with three of us. We will get Mom to take a picture so everyone can see what a dachsie dog house looks like (think loooong). You are very brave to stay outside all night long. We much prefer inside ... where there is always a chance one of us will get to sleep in the big bed with Mom.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Hey Dusty Doodles! We tagged you - please list 5 things that make a great doggy friend! Tail wags, The Ao4
wow, doodles! that play center looks like lotsa fun! your dad must be talented!
akira and shiro
p.s. we are new here!
I have an outside house too. I hate it ... I don't even get in it in the daytime! I would be afraid to sleep outside at night.
That anonymous comment was from me. Blogger messed up.
We stay outside at night mostly now that it's cool too Doodles, we LOVE it, it'a always cooler out on our deck than in the house. Happy Belated Birthday! We hope you like your extra bedroom, if not, chew it!
Face Licks, Macie & Malechai
Doodles... rumor has it you gave up the hat... wanna share the fun with us?
Wow, what a cool play center! You have a really good mom and dad to build you such neat stuff!
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