Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dumpossum is Deadpossum

Dusty Doodles Reporting!!!

Dumpossum is Deadpossum. NO! Doodles did not kill him. Da momma did!!

Da momma was on her way to workie and she ran over deadpossum with her car thing. Before you get mad, she didn't mean to, she said she ran right in front of her and she couldn't stop in time.

Of course she stopped after and she was dead. She wasn't just playing deadpossum, which Doodles understands they can do. Da momma said she was really dead. The Deadpossum had babies on her back though and Da momma ranned over a couple of them as well. But some were alive, so she called Da dad to bring her a crate. She tells me that her and Da dad gots them into the crate and she took them to a lady who raised deadpossums.

No, she did not take my crate -- she took the cats' crate. My crate is too big for baby deadpossums.

That's all that's new in the country. The cowdogs are still missing, but Doodles hasn't seen them build any puppochino place, so maybe they aren't going to build a city or anything.

What's new in your country?

Doodles Out!!


H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I call them no-possums. They think they need an "o" at the beginning of their name. But they aren't Irish! We have the stupid no-possums here. They aren't very good at play husky games, however. Lex once brought one in the house we thought was dead. My Human took it back outside and it came back alive. No-possums have a fantastic aroma!

Anonymous said...

I've never seen a possum before... it looks very creepy. Do they bite?

Tucker said...

Ooh! The Human Assistant saw a yipper cousin last night!

I wasn't in the car, darnit. But he was driving down a street at dusk. The street has houses on one side and a creek on the other.

In one of the driveways there was a fox! The fox waited for the traffic to clear and then trotted across the street toward the creek.

On the other side of the street he sat down and scratched his ear. Then he yawned. Then he trotted away. H.A. said he acted just like a dog!

Then a car blared its horn at H.A. because he hadn't parked close enough to the side of the street to suit them.

H.A. says he'll take a camera with him for the next time he sees a fox.

Or a raccoon! We have those near our house. But they aren't cousins like yippers and foxies.

Shmoo said...

That's not Clyde Possum, he's still on vacation and the last I heard, he was in the Bahamas staking claim as the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby, even though the DNA test came back already. Clyde is slow.

Khady Lynn said...

Oh how horrible for your mom! My mom would have been crying if she killed anything. At least she stopped to check on her, and saved some of her babies. That was very nice.
