Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Incredible Shrinking Doodles!

Dusty Doodles Reporting!

Diets suck. Diets are stoopid. Doodles doesn't like diets. Do you know that I hardly get any foods and only green beanies for desert?? Once a day those stoopid hoomans give me A cookie. That's right, ONE cookie. That is stoopid. I have been eating more olives then ever trying to get my tummy filled up. Da momma thinks they might not be on my diet and so before she finds out, my goal is to eat them all up. I have 2 olive trees in my pen -- that's a lot of olives!!

Doodles has tried reasoning with the hoomans, but they don't understand huskytalk. I woo and they woo back, but their woo's are stoopid stuff. I'll say something like, "Doodles has been really good, how about a cookie please" and when they woo back, they say "The sun is dark tonight". It just really makes no sense and I am sick of it. Doodles is thinking I will run away to some other husky's house, some place they have cookies and bones and good stuffs.

Now SadieMae, my cousin, is threatening to come and visit and eat all my cookies!! That is totally not fair and Doodles doesn't like it. Whiskey makes fun of me and makes my fluffies jiggle and then she laughs as me.

Meanwhile, Da momma says she thinks I am less jiggly tonight and Doodles say that he is shrinking and shrinking and pretty soon, if he doesn't get some cookies or more foods, he is just gonna up and shrink away and be gone.

I think I'm going to Kansas. I hear good things about Kansas and I bet they have lots of cookies there.

Doodles Out!


Anonymous said...

doodles, i hate diets too! i am on a diet and have to lose 2 pounds. sounds silly doesn't it. but i only weigh 11.5 so 2 is a lot! i guess its good for my back since i have a loooong back. at least that's what my vet said. i only get a tiny bit of a cookie everyday! that's really nothing! all though i do eat a bunch more food cause i am on a new food with lots of protein and i used to eat once a day and now i eat twice to help my metabolism, i just like eating twice! but mom and dad are annoyed cause i do the poops like 6 times now!

Khady Lynn said...

I feel your pain. I get those green beanies in my food too!

BUT, I still get cookies, and chicken jerky treats, and HUGE cow ears (see my blog). So, you can come stay with me in Nebraska!!


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Doodles,

I know where you are coming from Doodles - I too have been subjected to the green bean diet on many occassions :-( Hang in there buddy, it will get better.


PS - I think you look very handsome just the way you are !

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Poor Doodles! We love your fluffiness. Diets are bad. Mom feeds Roxie and Sammy diet foods since our doctor said they weighed too much. Tell your humans to break the cookie into parts. You will feel like you get more cookies if you get them more than once. You don't really notice that the cookie was smaller.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

IndyPindy said...

Oh, I'm sorry! If you went to doggie day care or a dog park that would help to keep you in shape!

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Hey, Doodles! What's happening? You haven't reported in a while. We hope everything is okay with you and the humans.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy