Thursday, March 15, 2007

Dr. Brenda

Dusty Doodles Reporting!

So, Doodles had to go to Dr. Brenda for my checkup and my shots. We had to take Whiskey, cuz she's a wussy dog and can't stay by herself yet. That was okay, cuz she didn't get to see Dr. Brenda, she had to sit in the waiting room.

So we gets there, oh Da momma made Da dad put the cold air thing on in the car so Doodles wouldn't get to hot. But any ways, we gets there and it was very sad. There was another dog there that Dr. Brenda was sending to The Bridge, so Doodles had to wait a very long time for his hoomans to say good bye to him.

Finally Linda, my favorite nursie, told Da momma to get me on the scale. That was no fun. See, I knew I had gained a couple of fluffies since my last visit, cuz you know, I have to help Whiskey eat her cookies and Doodles has to have his Otter Pops and stuff. Well, Da momma nearly fell over and told Nursie Linda to check the scale and re-weigh me. I don't know what it said, but it was a lot of fluffies.

Then a new girl came over to steal my blood right there in the waiting room. Remember the other dog was going to The Bridge in the examination room, so I couldn't go in there. This new girl stuck my leg 3 times. YES THREE TIMES and no blood would come out. I woo'd and told them that I gave at the office, but they didn't believe Doodles. So then, Da momma says ENOUGH -- and told them to get the clippers. See with my winter fluffies the new girl couldn't find my bloods. I think she was stoopid. Anyway Nursie Linda agreed with Da momma and made the new girl get the clippers. THEN THEY STOLE MY FURS!!! A whole big patch of my furs!! But then the new girl was able to steal my bloods. They needed it for my bloods tests. I heards them tell Da momma that they was normals.

Finally, after like forever, Dr. Brenda comes out -- she sent the other dog to The Bridge -- and told Da Momma that she could bring me back to the Treatment room for my exam. Dr. Brenda checked me out real good and I kissed her and then woo'd in her ear. I was telling her a secret. She can't tell you because of doctor patient confidentiality. But, get this, she told Da momma's that I had the JIGGLES!!!! See I have so much fur that she couldn't feel the extra fluffies on me, but she JIGGLED me and Doodles JIGGLED really bad. Da momma was all upset and said that word. You know that word -- 'obese'. Dr. Brenda said Doodles wasn't 'obese', but I was 'chunky'. I liked that word. UNTIL she said the next word which was DIET!!! Da momma agreed with her and said she would put Doodles on a DIET!!! And then Da momma told me no more cookies and no more Otter Pops. YES, you read that right -- NO cookies and NO Otter Pops for Doodles. Dr. Brenda said Doodles has to lose 10 lbs. Now, Doodles doesn't know how much fluffies 10 lbs equates to -- but it sounds horrible!! AND NO COOKIES!!!

Da momma talked to Dr. Brenda for a while longer, but I don't remember what they said cuz I was in SHOCK!!! NO COOKIES!!!! NO OTTER POPS!!!!

As we were leaving Dr. Brenda and then Nursie Linda both gave me a cookie and that was good. But Da momma told me to enjoy them cuz there'd be no more for a long time! NO COOKIES!!!!

When we gots home it was time for dinner and Da dad didn't give me all my foods. He said it was cuz of the diet. Doodles doesn't like this diet thing and I want it to go away. NO COOKIES!!! AND I don't get all my foods. How fair is that???

It's been a couple of days now and I'm still not getting all my foods and I haven't had not even one cookie. Da momma felt sorry for me and gave me some greenie beanies though and I like those -- but not as well as cookies.

That's it for now.

Doodles Out!!


Peanut said...

Oh I had to go on a diet once. I got greenie beans to and they help but cookies of course are better.

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

You can come and see me. You can have that stupid Lex's foods and cookies!

Khady Lynn said...

Oh Doodles, I understand your torment!

See, I am also considered "obese" or as I prefer to call it "extra fluffy."

Now, considering I was practically starving to death when my humans found me, I would think they would be happy I am no longer skin and bones. But noooooo, now that I weigh 114 pounds, the stupid vet thinks I am a bit chubby! What do they know!!!!

So, now I get Blue Buffalo "lite" dry food and Authority canned "lite" and lots of green beans.

And they wonder why I inhale my food and act like I am STILL starving!

Good luck with your diet Doodles! And remember, I feel your hunger!


Sadie Mae said...

That means that when I come to visit I get to eats your cookies!!!! And tomorrow Momma says I'm going to get a cheeseyburger for my berfday!

Don't feel bad Dusty...Opy went on a diet thing and she survived.

-Sadie Mae Dog

The Brat Pack said...

Oh poor you! A diet, is there anything worse???

Hang in there
Thrawn from The Brat Pack

IndyPindy said...

Oh, poor Doodles! I have a special diet because of my food allergies, and there are things I used to love that I can't eat anymore cause they make me sick, like yogurt and pig ears. Oh well. I'm sorry, I feel your pain!