Dusty Doodles reporting!
Da momma is gonna help me with this post, with my spelling and 'plaining stuff cuz you know friends, that Doodles isn't that good at that kind of thing.
This picture is of me and my Da dad with Tundra. Da dad is loving on Doodles.
Sorry I haven't posted before now, but things have happened really quick at our house and Da dad and Da momma have been gone a lot. That means Doodles and Whiskey had to stay outside and I couldn't get to the computer.
It seems that my Da dad is not well. And Da momma and him have been having to go to lots of doctors -- Da momma told me they are not all nice like Doctor Brenda. Now they tell me that Da dad has to have a big operation, not like when Doodles was broken and got fixed, but a really big operation on his heart. Doodles is gonna let Da momma tell you now.
This is Dusty's human Mom. Dusty has not been in the house for his usual rotations, because we as having some medical issues with my husband. Ray will be going in for a quadruple by-pass surgery on Wednesday, November 15th. This was found totally by accident, and has as a result been quite a shock to the whole family. We are still trying to adjust to it and come to terms with it. I assure all of Dusty's friends, that he is still being fed and is not being abused. After surgery, during the initial home recovery, the 5 dogs will have to stay outside to keep them from being over-exerburant with Ray and causing injury. When Ray feels up to it and I feel he can handle them, we will again put them on their normal rotation and Dusty will again be stealing the computer.
Okay it's me Doodles back again. Doodles knew he couldn't explain all that to you, so I hopes you don't mind that I asked Da momma to do it for me. We are trying to be good outside, but we do miss our times with Da dad -- who hasn't been to see us in a few days. Da momma is feeding us now, and well, she gives us plenty of foods and stuff, and Doodles doesn't want to hurt her feelings, but honestly?? Da dad makes our foods better.
So that's the big news in our house. Minor news is a stinky cat got hit by a car right up from our house. He died. It's also been raining!!! Doodles loves the rain, cuz the rain means MUD!!!! Da momma calls me a mud puppy!
Well Doodles better go and check on Da dad, I want to lay really close to him before his operation and make sure he knows that Doodles loves him bunches.
So everyhusky, every doglet, everydog, please say special prayers from my Da dad and keep your paws crossed for us.
Doodles Out!
Oh Doodles! That is serious business. The good news is that that kind of operation is quite common now and it takes less time to get over than it used to. In addition, Da dad has you guys to help him get better faster. My mom says she and I will both pray for your dad. I'm sure everydog and their human will do the same for you. We will be your prayer circle round the world! That just has to make a difference.
Go give Da Dad some special Doodles loving.
The Mom and I will say our woo-ers too. Best thoughts from our pack to yours.
We will be wooing prayers your way. My Human's da dad had bypass surgery and it made a word of good for him!
this doglet will pray for you dad! i know you will contribute a bunch to him feeling better! give him kisses and love him with you fluffiness. i love to make my mom feel better when she feels sick, us dogs have a sixth sense when your people are feeling bad. God made us that way, how cool!
Prayers from the Furry Five in Omaha. Our human mom was telling us she read all about your human on her husky group. She is sending all our prayers your way, in hopes your dad has a speedy recovery!
Ohh Doodles - that is not good news at all ! All of us at DWB are sending positive vibes and warm wishes to your daddy. We sure hope he will be okay. And, you need to look after Da Momma as well - this is going to be a really rough time for her. Take care Doodles, and big hugs to Da Momma and Da Dadda.
Please let us know when you can how it all goes.
Opy, and all at DWB.
I will pray for Ray. Surgery like this is much more common now a days and I am sure he will back to taking care of Doodles real soon. But we'll pray. May God bless your family.
Oh Doodle man, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. My mom's dad went through that and she said it was scary but he was a-okay. He will be in our poochie prayers and my mom's prayers.
Oh Dusty,
I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Lots of prayers for him and your family from our house.
Indy and family
Hey Dusty,
Sorry about da dad. I'm sending postive healing thoughts his way. Best of luck.
Oh sorry to hear about your dad. Let us know how the big operation goes
Kelsey and Smokey here sending you all of our paw crossed prayers from Omaha. Our humom and hudad send their prayers as well.
Remember to be there for your mom because she'll be needing extra kisses and cuddles during this time too.
Dachsies prayers for Da Dad too!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
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