It was Doodles and Whiskey's night to sleep in the house. The meanie Shonee, Tundra and my friend Omani were sleeping outside. Da momma says they may be sleeping outside for a long time.
I woke Da dad up to tells him that stinky cat was around -- cuz it stinked really bad. Da dad let me outside in my back yard to do my business and Doodles didn't see the stinky cat. When I cames in, Da momma made me come into the bedroom with her and Whiskey and I heard Da dad go out front. The three pack didn't come in though. He yelled at them loud.
When Da dad came back in, he tolds us that my friend Omani had killed a stinky cat. Da dad gots him away from the stinky cat and had to bury him. Da momma didn't go to the funeral, she stayed with us and she saids that stinky cats -- she calls them skunks -- are too stinky for her to stand around in her pj's and watch Da dad bury. Doodles thinks she should have gone anyway.
According to Da momma, the three pack has to have their shots -- which means either they have to go to Dr. Brenda or Dr. Brenda has to come here. Da dad's 'posed to call first thing in the morning to find out if Dr. Brenda will come out or allow one of the girls to come and if they are too busy to come today, then the three pack have to go in to the doctors.
Then Da momma saids that they have to have a special bath and Da dad has to go to town to get the rest of the ingredients. I'm glad Doodles and Whiskey don't have to get special baths. Doodles doesn't like baths. I wonder if the bath will make the stinks go away???
Da momma saids that the stinky cats carry something called rabies that us huskies and doggles can get. Doodles hopes his friend Omani doesn't get it. Da momma says that with hope and luck and prayers that the shots will hold them. But maybe the stinky cat didn't have the rabies.
Doodles is worried about his friend. Cross your paws ok?? Doodles is sad that stinky cat lost with Omani -- but Omani is a big doggle and stinky cat is smaller then a doglet and if this stinky cat wasn't full grown, then he was smaller then that.
Doodles is sad that stinky cat didn't get a proper funeral too. Do stinky cats go to the Rainbow Bridge?? Da momma and Da dad are mad about the stink, but Doodles kinda like it and I think they are over reacting, just like typical hoomans, to the smell. It don't smell that bad. It smells kinda interesting...better then that foo-foo perfumie stuff Da momma uses -- it makes me sneeze.
Back to sleepy time -- it's still the middle of the night here.
Doodles Out.
Hi D.D.
You all be careful! We dont want you gettin sick OK!
I know its hard to resist when something looks like it might be fun to play with, but you have to be REALLY careful because not everybody likes to play with doggies.
Yeah, the last time you guys gotta a stinky cat, Momma had to go to Dr. Brenda and find out about the anti-stink stuff and then had to go raid the town for it. Your mom should still have the stuff Mommma had to go raid. At least, that's what Momma says.
-Sadie Mae Dog
wow doodles, that sounds like a fun and stinky adventure. i have never seen or smelled a stinky cat. i have a cat but he doesn't stink and he has never been outside. but really wants to kill birds! that rabies stuff is scary be careful, your mom was good for not letting you go outside!
You have such stuff to report! We think there are stinky cats when we go to the country house but they are outside of the fence. We don't like baths so maybe we should stay awar from them. Do you doggies get rabies vaccines? We get shots every year (or every other year) so we don't get rabies. We get a tag to add to our collar *bling* so everyone knows.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Dusty Doodles Reporting,
What an AWESOME BLOG,Nice reads,
Thank you for stopping by and sharing,
Lots of Licks
My Human used to have a doggie (an Australian Shepherd) who was really good at sending stinky cats to their funerals.
I've never met a stinky cat, though.
Golly Doodles! What an exciting night! Does a skinky cat smell as bad as that stuff my Mom puts on her fingernails? That stuff really makes me sneeze!
Doodles and Meeshka, what is a woo? You Huskies keep talking about that ....woo ... is it a Huskie sound you make? Just call me curious Copper.
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