Dusty Doodles reporting here!
Sorry it's been all week since my last post. Doodles has been spending time making that arfritis go away from Da momma's hip and I think my efforts have paid off. Da momma hasn't exactly played with Doodles or Whiskey yet, but she says that she feels better. So Doodles is thinking maybe today she will play a good game of chase with us.
Doodles hasn't heard from Da sister's kiddles yet and I sure hope Meeshka doesn't ban them fore they can write me back. Da sister says not to worry and to be patient. Doodles doesn't like to be patient.
Doodles bets everyhusky and everydog is wondering why there is a picture of a snake on my blog. Well, Doodles will tell you!!
The other day Da momma was at work and then Da dad left. They were gone a long time and were even late with dinner. Da momma later told Doodles that she had to go back to the doctors and Da dad met her there. Anyway, whiles Whiskey and I were waiting for them to get home a huge snake slithered into our yard. Whiskey was terrified of him and ran to the top of our playcenter. Doodles joined her there to try to make her calm down and do something about that big old snake. He was longer then Doodles and ugly and fat as my leg. Whiskey refused to come down off of the playcenter -- she's such a wimp. And the snake meanwhiles was getting into our pool!! Whiskey was shrieking and Doodles was sure she was gonna shriek herself into bringing the policepeopols or something. Doodles would have been embarrassed to have the policepeepols come and find us both on the top of our playcenter yelling our husky heads off.
So, Doodles decided I had to get that snake outta our pen. The other dogs, Shonee and Tundra were laughing at me -- but my friend Omani, he was giving me encouragement and telling me hows to proceed. So Doodles wents up to the snake and I asked him nicely to leave. Doodles even gave him a little nudge....just like my friend, Omani said to. That snake had the nerve to wrap his slimmy body around my leg!!! That made Doodles mad! Doodles went after that snake and we wrestled a bit. He would wrap hisself around my legs and I would grab him and throw him. We did this for a long time -- in fact in the process Da momma and Da dad came home and Doodles didn't even notice. It felt like Doodles was in the battle for his very life!
Da dad came right out to my pen and grabbed the snake and got him off of me and took him out to Da momma. Da momma says he was a gopher snake and he was the biggest one she ever saw. She says he was over 6 ft long and as big around as my leg. Da momma says Doodles was very brave for fighting the snake. She said the snake wouldn't hurt us, but Doodles doesn't believe that cuz he had me in body hold when Da dad came in. I was beginning to feel like one of those wrestler peepol on the talking box! Da momma said that the snake was almost dead -- so she had Da dad put him out of his misery. Doodles doesn't know how Da dad did that cuz he took him behind the house and Doodles guesses they had the funeral back there to. Doodles didn't go. Doodles gots extra cookies. I had to share them with Whiskey even though alls she did was stand there and yell!
Doodles don't like snakes and I hope I never sees another one. So that's why there's a snake on my blog today!
Doodles is gonna try to visit everyhusky and everydog's blog today -- but we'll see how Da momma feels firsts.
Doodles out!!
Momma made me go to Snakie School. They made me learn to stay away from Snakies. They put a Zappy Collar on me and any time I got close to a Snakie they zapped me. I didn't like it, but I didn't go near any snakies. They had mean rattle thingies on them. I didn't like the sound of them. You should go to Snakie School Dusty.
Doodles was very brave - very foolish but very brave. That snake could have been a bad one and hurt Doodles. We are glad the snake didn't hurt Doodles but next time stay with Whiskey and keep both of you safe.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
wow doodles! you are so brave! you would have finished off that snake had it not been for your dad doing it for you! but wow! it was all wrapped up on your lef that's SCARY!
stay away from snakes that make rattling sounds! Those could kill you or at least make you very sick! My mom had a weimy that got bit on two different times and swelled up something awful. Better to just stay away from them!
We have rat snakes here, and Loki found one and played with it. I wanted nothing to do with that, but he was just out there, flinging it all around. The human woman came out, wearing her rubber gloves, and took it from him... tossed it over the fence (where my mole went).
We never get to eat anything tasty and warm.
way to go Doodles ~
you sound like to have it all togather,woof-woof.We don't have rat snakes here,they look nasty Better to just stay away from them!
Lot's of lick's
Doodles, I think you are very brave for protecting your husky friends!
Hey Dusty Doodles,
My first time here and WOW...you gotta becareful!! However, i thought you were very brave...
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Doodles, you are my hero !!! You are so brave and strong ! BUT, next time, please wait for Da Momma and Da dad to come home and deal with it - we would hate for you to get hurt.
Snakes is bad!
Im SOOOOO glad you are o.k. - those things are NEVER happy to see doggies!
Please dont try to play with them any more ok!
Holy Frankenstein! That snake must be hours of fun. Raccoons and squirrels are fun too, but they die too easily. Looks like that snake knows how to play rough. Just my style.
Aaaaaaooooooooo! Name's Poseidon, and my mama just got me my very own blog. I found yours and I likes reading all about your adventures! My mama's got a bunch of those snakie things and some tawantuwa things too, but I don't gets to play with 'em. She says they wouldn't hurt me, but I might hurt them. That's okay, I got a ferret friend named Rally and she lets me play with him as long as I'm careful. He plays rough sometimes though, he likes to bite my ears and then mama says we gots to be separated for a while.
oh, doodles, a battle for your very life?! how scary and exciting! we don't see a lot of snakes in ohio (altho akira saw a dead one in the road), but when akira lived in maryland, he and sis saw a bunch slitherin' outta the woods one time! we do see a lotta toads, though!
akira and shiro
p.s. check out our NEW blog!
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