Dusty Doodles gave me his secret password and told me I should post a few words in his blog. I've never done this before, so if I make a mistake, please forgive me.
I want to thank all of Dusty's blog friends for asking about me and keeping their paws crossed for me in regards to my incident with the Stinkycat.
It was very late at night when I saw stinky. Now, you have to understand, there are no other animals allowed in my pen -- not ever. I am not a meanie (like Miss Shonee) but there are some things I just cannot tolerate. It is my job to alert the humans if anyone comes to our gate or if there are strange things outside. I take my job very seriously. My human family, as well as my canine family depend on me.
So anyway, I saw old Stinky and I alert barked, but no one paid attention. I am sure the humans were asleep and Dusty was in the house that night with Whiskey. Miss Shonee and TunMan were dead asleep -- you know they are old, right??
I took it upon myself to defend my family from the likes of Stinky. When I approached Stinky and asked him to leave nicely, he turned around and sprayed me right between the eyes with his evil smell. It hurt my eyes really bad, but it also made me mad. So I went after him and my niceness was gone. Stinky ended up having to attend a funeral, and it was his own. I am not sorry about that. The rules are the rules. I most certainly understand a Stinkycat or someone else accidently making their way into my pen, but when I ask you to leave nicely, you better do it -- or there will be consequences. That's the way it is.
Even though Miss Shonee and TunMan didn't get close to Stinky, they still had to go to Doctor Brenda's with me. I didn't know that Stinkycat's could carry rabies and not that it would have mattered anyway. I would easily lay down my life for those in my family. It's just the way I am.
I was up to date on my rabies vaccination and Stacy, our nurse, gave me another one, just to be safe. She also put some drops in my eyes that helped the sting go away. I had 'red eye' for a day or so, but they feel much better now.
We won't know for sure about the rabies unless/until I come down with it. Dr. Brenda thinks I should be safe from it, and I was last time we had a StinkyCat that came into the yard. If I show no symptoms in 60 days, they will assume that I am okay -- although my human says that in rare cases symptoms can appear 6 months later. I know it is a fatal disease and although I'd rather not die, I also know that if I do contract rabies, I have lived a good life and there isn't anything I would have changed -- well except for my friend, Dusty, having to live in a different pen. My humans love me, they have taken good care of me since I came here as a rescue at 10 weeks of age. I am now almost 6 years old.
Thank you all for your words of encouragement to Dusty. He's been pretty upset about the whole thing. And again, thank you for keeping me in your thoughts.
If Dusty allows it, I will post again sometime.
Always on guard,
Omani Frances
hi omani! nice to meet you. i'm a small dog (dad calls me a doglet) i think that if i met you we wouldn't play well together, you might play rough with me. but we can talk on the internet and we won't have to growl at each other.
Hi Omani, glad to see you up and about. I am sure you will be just fine. It sounds like your humans and Dusty are taking wonderful care of you.
Poochie smoochies
We are sending dachsie healing thoughts your way. All the Dogs With Blogs dogs are thinking about you and wishing you good health. You sound like a wonderful dog and your family is lucky to have you.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Omani, you are very brave! I have chased but never got close enough yet. Someday I will!
I am glad that you are less smelly, and save with shots. Do you get cookies when you get a shot? I do. I love shots. I love the Vet, I always eat well there. Eating is very important to us Labbies.
Glad to see you are okay Omani ! Would hate to think one of Doodles buddies is sick - any buddy of Doodles is a buddy of ours !
Glad to meet you Omani. You are so brave. I am glad you feel better. Tell Dusty to tell us how to pronounce your name.
Hi Omani,
Sorry to hear about your entanglement with the stinky critter... you'll get 'em next time!
Oh, I am so sorry about the stinky smell, I"m glad you are better!
Omani thanks you all for the wel wishes. He really is quite brave! Doodles is so glad he is my bestest friend, next to Whiskey. Oh and you pronounce his name: Oh-mon-ee. Da momma said she named his after the Sultan of Oman.
Dusty, you have been tagged!
Dusty, couldn't quite figure out what to do about this tag thing. Is that like my rabies tag? Anywho, I wrote five things about me, but I'm not sure where to find 5 whole more blogs. Might be tricky!
Hi "Omani"
I am from Oman, Have u ever heard of? http://www.omantourism.gov.om/
i found ur blog when i was searching for Omani blogs :)
Do u have any meaning for ur name? and how did u got it?
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