Wednesday, August 09, 2006

On a Serious Note...

Dusty Doodles reporting here. I have something serious I want to talk about.

Doodles doesn't understand how peepol can still allow us huskies, doggles and doglets to make puppies, when there are millions of us dying in the doggy jails. Doodles knows that some puppies have to be made, but Doodles thinks that those puppies should be the very best that can be made. The hoomans that own the mom and dad dogs should not just allow them to make puppies, but do everything in their power to make sure those puppies are as perfect and healthy as can be.

It makes Doodles really mad when I see meanie Shonee getting special attention. She gets special attention because she's sick all the time. Meanie Shonee is sick all the time because her dog mom and dad weren't checked for diseases before they made her. The peepol that owned her dog mom and dad were what Da momma calls backyardbreeders. They sound evil and Doodles doesn't like them. So because they were stoopid and allowed meanie Shonee's dog mom and dad to make her and didn't make sure they were healthy and disease free, now Doodles has to deal with meanie Shonee and her getting all the special attention from Da momma and Da dad for being sickly. See, that is pretty stoopid, huh?? Just another way that hoomans are stoopid. doG, let me count the ways!!

Doodles has been researching what us huskies need to do before we make puppies. Other doggles and doglet breeds may need to do different things. For huskies, we need special pictures, called xrays, to check out hips to make sure they are okay. We don't need no crippled puppies that need wheeliechairs to get around or any more that need bionic hips. We also need blood taken outta our arm -- just a little bit -- to check for thyroid problems. Thyroid problems can make us too fat or too skinny and can even make us meanies. We also need our eyes checked. Doodles doesn't mean more peepol looking at our eyes and telling us how buuuteeeful they are. We know they are pretty good looking eyes, but because they are so pretty, they can get evil things in thier call catracks and they can make us blind. If we had a bunch of blind huskies, we might need more Labs to be seeing-eye-dogs for them. No more Labs!! (even though some of Doodles' bestest friends are Labs!!) There are other things that we need too, before we make puppies. We need to be checked to make sure we don't have sex diseases. Not just huskies can get those -- ALL doggles, and doglets can get them. And one more thing -- all doggles, doglets and huskies need to be the very best their breed has to offer and that needs to be confirmed, not by just your momma and your daddy, but by other peepols that don't know you and who don't live with you. Sometimes you will prove that you are the very best in shows or races or agility or stuff. Doodles knows all my friends are the best, they are the bestest friends that a husky could ever have -- but that doesn't mean you are the bestest to make puppies. It doesn't matter if you never have puppies, Doodles will love you all the same!! Woowoo!!

Doodles loves puppies and I don't want any more puppies going to the Bridge because they don't have homes and doG knows we don't need any more dogs here at our house. So unless your house can keep all the puppies that you make, please don't make any -- unless like I said, you've had all your tests and you are the best their is to make puppies.

Doodles Out!


JustMeCopper said...

How is Omani?

Anonymous said...

yeah my mom says the same thing, she got miss cindy (my old vet before we moved) to take out my boy parts when i was 6 months old!

Anonymous said...

You are a very smart dog. These are some good things to be telling people and a very important message that needs to be spread.

Hopefully someday, we won't need shelters anymore.

Lucky you won the dog lottery. Enjoy it!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this entry. It is very relevant and informative especially for pet owners like me. I learned a lot from it. Keep it up!
