Dusty Doodles reporting!
Yesterday was my birfdays! Now I am 4 hooman years old. Da momma says we are celebrating my birfsday today!!! Yesterday I gots special foods, cuz of my birfdays. For breakfast we gots scrammy eggs with cheese and hot doggies. Last night we gots chickie with special wild rice and greenie beans. Doodles doesn't know what's we getting today, but I bet it's good, cuz Da momma says today is the celebrating day. We couldn't really celebrates yesterday cuz Da momma had to do that workie thing. I gets presents too and I bets I gets BUTTER!!! Da momma tolds me I am getting a cake too!! Da best part of yesterday was that Da momma's hip is all better!!! See Doodles told you I didn't think it was arfritis, cuz I woo'd it and it wouldn't go away. Well, Da momma wents to another doctor, I don't think it was my doctor, but maybe. Anyways, the doctor tolds Da momma that it was grrsitis. And he gave her a special shot into her hip. And now the grrsitis is all gone. WOOOWOOOO!!!
In other news, Da brother called for my birfsdays. He wants me to change my blog name to Doc's Dusty Doodles. See everyhooman calls him Doc cuz he fixes peepol in the Navy and he has always said that he was my hooman and I was his Doodles. Doodles is gonna think about this, cuz I do love my Da brother, but I jsut don't know.
Da sister called for Doodles birfdays too! And she says that the kiddles have written me and I will get the letters with the next mailpeepol day. I don't know when that is -- is it today or not?? Our mailpeepollady is nice and all, but she doesn't seem to come everyday. Da momma says it's cuz she's stoopid, but sometimes we go many days without her coming. That's when Da momma calls the main mailpeepol and tells them. That mailpeepol service is Stoopid and Doodles thinks the mail would be more consistent if us huskies delivered it. It might have alittle spit on it, cuz we don't have thumbs, but Doodles knows we would deliver it everyday.
Over at Meeshka's place, she been catching grubs. Doodles has never found those here and I am quite jealous cuz they sound really yummy. I been digging a few more holes just to make sure we don't have them, but all I find is earthworms and they taste like dirt, so I knows it's not the grubs that Meeshka is describing. Why is it some huskies have all the stuff that Doodles wants?? Grubs, snow, sleds, stay at home Da mommas. The list goes on. It makes no sense to Doodles. We should all have the same things cuz we are huskies.
What's that Doodles hears?? Da dad is making breakfast -- gotta run!! I'll write later and tell you about my birfdays presents and CAKE!!
Doodles Out!
Happy Birfdays Dusty Doodles!
We hope you get everything you want for your birfdays! We can't wait to hear all about the special day your Da hoomans give you!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Happy birthday Doodles!!!! My daddy and mama don't know when my birthday is, so they just celebrates it on daddy's birthday. My mama used to be a mail lady, and she said some of her mail customers were stupid, they didn't get much mail and they would sometimes call and complain cuz they thought they shoulda got more. She says most of the people were really nice though, 'specially the older people cuz they used to tell her stories. She says she used to get real sad when they passed away. I don't know what this "passed away" stuff means, but if it makes mama sad then I don't like it. She says maybe your mama needs to order you more toys and stuff online, then you'd get mail all the time! Happy birthday again Doodles! I gotta go hop in the car and go on the "road trip!"
Hey! Happy Birthday to Woooooo!
Happy birthday to you (bark bark)
Happy birthday to you (bark bark)
Happy birthday dear Dusty Doodles
Happy birthday to you
bark bark!
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