Dusty Doodles reporting here!
Doodles is enjoying the fall weather and hasn't been inside enough to post much, he apologizes to everyhusky and everydog and doglet. It's nice and cool out in the evenings and Doodles is loving it!! Whiskey and I play and play and play. We've even gotten Da momma to play with us a couple of times. She plays a mean game of chase. I think that means her hips are better. Doodles still thinks she has dysplasia and not arfritis. If it was arfritis, don't you think that my sneaking up and woo-ing at Da momma's hip would have made it go away?? Me, too. That's why Doodles thinks she has dysplasia and she needs to go to my doctor to get a bionic hip. Then she could play more with me and Whiskey. Doodles loves to chase Da momma!
Hey! You know what I figured out?? I figured out why hoomans call crickets - 'crickets'. It's because when you eats them, they go - crick - et in your mouths. I kinda like the sound of that so, I beens eating a lots of them. They make me frows up if I eat too many so I try to pace myself. Da momma says we must be in for a bad winter cuz we have so many crickets. Doodles wonders if a bad winter means snow?? Doodles would love for it to snow, but we never get snows.
Something interesting happened last night. Da momma and Da dad went out to gets foods and while they were gone a poleecepersons car broke right in front of our property, in fact it was right in front of Doodles' and Whiskey's pen! Doodles watched the poleeceperson get outta his car and look in the mouth of the car. I don't think he figured out what was wrong with it, because it wouldn't start for him or nothing. Doodles watched him closely, in case he had cookies in his car or maybe he might of needed a new poleecedog, but he didn't. He did however, talk to Doodles and Whiskey and he says that we are beeutiful. Da momma and Da dad came home with the foods and they went and talked to him to see if there was a bad guy or something. That's when he tolds them that his car broke and he was waiting for the toe truck. Da momma says it's pretty unusual for a poleecepersons car to break. The toe truck came and lifted the poleececar up and they went away. Doodles woo'd him good-bye.
Today Da momma and Da dad left us for a while and they said they went fishing. They didn't bring us any fishes. Doodles likes it when Da momma gets those little fishes and puts them in our swimming pool. I gets to catch them and they are yummy, but they kinda tickle going down my throats. Anyway, Da momma says that next time her and Da dad goes fishing, DUSTY DOODLES GETS TO GO TOO!!! I think that means Whiskey has to go because she's too scared to stay here without me, but that would be okay. Doodles will teach Whiskey how to catch those fishes and water birds. Then we could catch lots of fishes and stuff and Doodles wouldn't have to wait for Da momma to get home with the fishes, that she never catches, but has to buy.
Oops, I head Da dad getting our plates ready for dinner....gots to go now!!
Doodles Out!
You are so brave to go in the water! I am afraid of the water. I won't even get near the hose unless I am standing behind dad. If I want water to drink when we are in the yard, I get behind dad and make him cup his hand and put hose water in his hand. I won't drink directly from the hose. Dad thinks that it has something to do with the animal shelter hosing down the pens and hitting me with the water. I don't know why I am afraid of the water but I am!
We have a gecko that lives in a glass thing in our house. She eats crickets, but she doesn't share!
doodles! i need your help! we have a plague of crickets in my dad's shed in the backyard! he says when he opens it crickets just start JUMPING EVERYWHERE! he says the crunch under his feet and everything! will you come help me eat them? they are tasty but i am going to need a dog with a much bigger appetite to help me eat them before dad kills them!
Charlie -- water is cool! You should really try it.
Turbo -- eat the gecko. That will teach it for not sharing his crickets with you, plus you get second hand crickets!
Hershey -- my favorite little doglet! Tell your dad that you could eat at least a few of the crickets for your frows up. Otherwise, I'll be there as soon as I can find your house to help!!!
Wow, fishing looks like fun! I bet those fish are tasty too! I'm glad your momma is feeling better!
My mama loves to go fishing, she's been teaching daddy how to fish but he's not very good at it. My grandmama lives on a lake, but they never ever bring me to her house! She's got two silly ol cats, and the last time I got hold of a cat my daddy had to pay the vet bills for it's punctured lung. I thought I was bein gentle with the kitty, I just wanted to carry it around a little bit, but now mama and daddy say I can't be around kitties. That makes me sad, cuz mama's always bringing good things from grandmama's house and I have to hear about it second hand. It's not fair!
If you think crickets are yummy, you should try roaches! Not the weird American or German infesting kind of cockaroaches. Mama breeds some south american species of cockaroaches to feeds to tawantuwas and scorpeeons. She says crickets are nasty cuz they stink and she doesn't want them in the house anymores. If I wants crickets, I have ta get them from outside!
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