Dusty Doodles Reporting!
Da Sister came to visit!!!
Here WhiskeyGirl joins in asking for the sammich. We really, really wanted the sammich and we were giving her our cutest, fluffiest, I want that sammich look.

And look, we got the sammich.
It was a really good sammich. It has pig butt and cheese and stuff on it. Doodles really, really liked it. Doodles wishes that Da sister would come visit more often, so we could get more sammiches.
Doodles Out!!
Doodles we missed you. No wonder you were gone so long! You were busy eating the sammich! Da sister looks like she is good for more than sammiches. We hope she comes to visit you more often too ... even if that means we have to wait for you to have time to do your reporting.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
ohhhhhhhhh that saammichhhc looks soooooooooooooo goood...I think i will go wake mommy up and tell her to get me a sammich...GET IN THE KITCHEN AND MAKE ME A SAAMICH WOMAN..heheheh....ummm..maybe i will even say please
mmmmm... pig butt!
Hey Doodles,
Have you tried a burger from http://www.in-n-out.com/? They'rrre GRRRREAT!
Dog, that looks good.
p.s. Beware of the new beta Blogger! Full of bugs.
I wanna sammich!
That "I wanna sammich" look works with my Mom ... but not my Dad.
The "I wanna sammich" doesn't work with our mom or dad. How do we get one of those "da sister" things?
Play bows,
I also want sammiches!
Hey Doodles,
This is Arwen, the Scriberian husky. I caught my Mom reading your blog. She kept commenting that
if you and Whiskey girlgave her that cute "fluffy, I wanna sammich" look, she'd give you all the sammiches you guys wanted.
Does Mom give me a sammich when I give her my "fluffy, I wanna sammich" look? No! Instead, she gives me a diet dog cookie that tastes like cardboard. Life is so unfair!
Signing off,
MMMMMMMMMMM, people food! I am jealous, I can't eat pig, it makes me sick. You and Whiskey Girl are VERY good at begging!
Ooops, that last one was supposed to be from me, sorry!
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