Sunday, July 23, 2006

Huskies and Da Heat

It's me, Doodles reporting!

I wants to talk to you about something important. Many hoomans think you can't have huskies in the heat and that we haveta live in like Alaska or sumthing. Well Alaska is nice, so I hear, but I'm hear to tell you that huskies can live any
where that hoomans can.

In the heat we need WATER and OTTER POPS and SHADE and of course air conditioning would be nice too, but it's not necessary. See our fluffiness insulates us against the cold as well as the heat. So DON'T EVER SHAVE A HUSKY. By shaving us you are taking away our natural insulation and we will actually be much hotter, not to mention we will probably sun burn and get skin cancer. YES, dogs can get skin cancer and it's bad.

If you live in a climate that gets hot, it doesn't mean that you can't own us. It just means that you have to pay attention to us more. Give us lots of cool water to drink. Swimming pools are great to cool are pads (which is where are only sweat glands are) and da hooman momma says they are pretty cheap at Wally's. It's nice if you can provide us with a fan, or better yet, air conditioning, but if you have to keep us outside, make sure we have lots of shade to lie in and misters are a good thing. Most of the home stores sell them, so the hooman says, and they are pretty cheap. They do help keep it cool for us.

If you see we are over heating, get us to a cool place and run cool water over us. DO NOT just dunk us in cool water, but run cool water over us. There something about evaporation or something. Take our temperatures and if it's hotter then 106 or so, better call our doctors, she will give you more instructions on what to do for us.

But yes, we can be kept in places like Florida or even in the Desert of California. My cousin, Sadie Mae lives in the desert and she knows a couple of huskies that her momma (my hooman sister) works with. They do fine there and it's mainly hotter then here.

Doodles Out!!


IndyPindy said...

Hey Dusty,

Did you catch any ducks? I posted something a while ago about how people should NOT shave Huskies - humans are so silly!

It's nice to meet you! Your new pal,

Childproofing Evansville said...

Great readd