Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Happening News

Dusty Doodles reporting.

Doodles is having a national emergency. This is not a test, this is the real thing!!!


Everyone who knows Doodles, knows I live for Otter Pops in the summer. They are cool and icy and taste really, really good. Da momma showed me the box from the cold box and it's EMPTY! I woo'd her and told her to get her booty to the store right now and get some more, but she said it was too hot. HOW DOES SHE THINK DOODLES FEELS WITHOUT HIS OTTER POPS!!!???!!

I then tried the Claw from Meeshka fame, but my hooman just moves too quick, so that didn't work. I just don't know what to do or how I'll manage without my Otter Pops. Da momma says she's not going to the store until Satsday and today is only Wedsday. That means I don't have any Otter Pops for Fursday or Frysday. I'm gonna die. I am not a happy Doodles and I even did the bitey thing on Da momma's toes and it's not working. Nothing is working. HELP!!!

I'm going to try a hunger strike and see if that works!

Doodles Out~


Sadie Mae said...

Dusty...It's okay that you don't have Otter Pops. You'll get more. I don't gets Otter Pops. Are they good? Maybe Momma will buy me some when she goes to the store next week.

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey Dusty,

Rip some stuff up and leave her some "pee-mail" that may help ! We don't have Otter Pops out here in Australia - I wish we did, they sound yummy !


Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Oh No! We think once you get Otter Pops, mom is responsible for always having Otter Pops. We can come over and nip at her ankles if it will help get her out the door and to the store.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Anonymous said...

Dusty, try ice cubes. i looooove ice cubes. they are slippery and cold like otter pops. mom seems to keep dropping them on the floor and before she can pick it up, i snatch it and take it to my bed. she says its ok for me to chew on it in my bed cause its just water.